
Interne sociaalwetenschappelijke advisering


  • Becker,H. A.


Advising, Organization, Internal social science


An examination of the problems of 'internal advising' by experts in the sociological sciences. Internal advising is defined as advising from within an organization and distinguished from 'external advising.' It involves a practical application of the theoretical achievements of the sociological sciences. Internal advising is divided into 4 stages: (1) the formation of insights; (2) the formation of judgments; (3) the formation of plans; and (4) advising and counselling. Its functioning is described with reference to the organizational setup and the relations between the adviser, the organization functionary and the researcher. The place of advising within the research structure of sociological sciences is defined as the 4th place in a series of decreasing abstraction: (a) pure or basic research, (b) applied scientific research, (c) practical or political research, (d) advising, (e) social therapy and social engineering. The quality of advising and the quality of improvements produced by it are examined, and it is concluded that advising will become an ever more important activity of social science researchers. An estimate by D. de Boer is given: some 50 to 60% of members of the Dutch Assoc. of Soc. Sci. Researchers function in an advisory capacity. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Becker,H. A.




