
Intellectuelen in nieuwe naties: dilemma's in het proces van modernisering


  • Ellemers,J. E.


Developing countries, Intellectuals, Modernization, Roles


An examination of the modernization process of the new nations and of the special role of the intellectuals. Modernization is defined as the passage from a traditionalist agrarian to a modern industry society. Usually, the economic aspects of this transition are stressed, sometimes unduly. The stages of ED which lead to W. W. Rostow's takeoff are not, for example, applicable to nonecon aspects of society, where development may proceed in diff stages. Intellectuals have been one of the agents of cultural modernization, together with traditional elites, the Vic, colonial adndn'ors and nationalist political leaders. The intellectuals have usually been of the radical left, and have received their political formation from such sources as H. Laski and R. H. Tawney of the London School of Economics. With the coming of independence, there are some changes. Intellectuals who had taken the lead in the struggle for independence have to face a new power structure of charismatic leaders, econ managers and military men. Their present dilemma is: to join the new elites or to withdraw from public life. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Ellemers,J. E.




