
Daling en niveau van de geboortencijfers in Nederland: bijdrage tot een discussie


  • Droogleever Fortuijn,A. B.
  • Kruijer,G. J.


Births, Culture, The Netherlands, Modernism, Religion


A contribution to a current discussion on the reasons for the falling Dutch birth rate. 3 previous contributions to the discussion are examined: (1) E. W. Hofstee explained the fall by the spread, from the industr West to the agrarian East, of a 'modern-dynamic cultural pattern'; (2) F. van Heek says the fall can best be explained in terms of the religious variable, with Catholic areas being less affected than Protestant areas; (3) H. Damas-her Belgian study, which provides evidence complementary to the Dutch case, explains the fall in the Belgian birth rate in terms similar to Hofstee, by the spread of a modernist cultural pattern from the industrial Southeast to the agricultural Northwest. From an analysis, which stresses that there has been a one-sided emphasis on cultural and psychological factors and a too positive evaluation of change by the contributors, it is concluded that: (A) cultural and sociological factors should be distinguished more clearly than is done by Hofstee and van Heck; (B) structural factors should not be neglected on theoretical grounds, esp since practical considerations are also at stake; (C) Dutch Med and hygienic services have also influenced the falling birth rate but the contributors ignore them; and (D) the differentiation between the Catholic and Protestant birth rates since 1910 is best explained by the resistance of the Catholic elite to the modernist pattern. I. Langnas

Biografieën auteurs

Droogleever Fortuijn,A. B.

Kruijer,G. J.




