
Venster op de Jaarvergadering van de American Sociological Association, San Francisco, 28-31 August 1967. Conflict en consensus onder Amerikaanse sociologen


  • Henny,L.


Sociology, Macrosociology, Consensus, Control


Talcot Parsons, supported by P. Lazarsfeld, announced the renaissance of macrosociology in the US. Amitai Etzioni was the first to show response to the difficult political situation of the US in 1967. He discussed society as a dichotomy between the active elements, the leading institutionalized mechanism for fundamental change, and the passive element following the change. The success or failure of a leader depends on a just balance between consensus and control. Political actions, especially the continuation of the war in Vietnam, are explained through manipulation of consensus and control, and facilitated by the increasingly specialized communication systems. The problem of a sociologie engagee culminates in a resolution against the war in Vietnam, supported by 66.6% of the members. Other signs of change within the sociological studies are the tendency to consider "hippies" as "experiments in new lifestyles," and a change in attitude towards the USSR. The question is raised as to whether sociologists could and should give help to a developing country in the form of a new social structure. K. Dillman.

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