
Van kerk naar denominatie


  • Schreuder,O.


Weber, M, Church, Catholicism, the Netherlands, Dutch catholicism and Weber's ideal church


Discussed are certain aspects of Dutch Catholicism with the use of M. Weber's and E. Troeltsch's theories on church and sect. Weber describes the "ideal church" in terms of need for universality, power, and for influence on all aspects of life. This definition is rather close to Dutch Catholicism in 1940: no deviation of dogma is allowed, strong participation in rites, influence of religion in political and other parts of life, Hs of the priest. These characteristics of a church in a minority position already contain, however, the elements for change: no great distance between ecclesiastic and layman; active role of the layman and his independence in political and social organizations; the need for higher education; less bureaucracy than in other countries. The period after WWII shows an increase of nonconformism: many publications, new approaches to the Bible and to parochial work, interest in social sciences and psychology. These changes met resistance by Rome. The controversies culminated in the "Mandement" of 1954. The council organized by Pope Paul proved rather liberal, and created an atmosphere of social and ecclesiastic emancipation. The new denominational consciousness was far from Weber's "ideal church": autonomy of the layman, ecumenical relation, new attitudes towards the dogmas, and changes in the role and education of priests. Denominational consciousness became the main stream of the Catholic church in the Netherlands. Several sects were formed as a reaction. Changes will be more difficult to achieve in the hierarchy of the church. K. Dillman.

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