
Een kerk in overgang


  • Poeisz,Jos. J.


The Netherlands, Church, Catholicism, Dutch Catholic church in transition


In comparison with other Western European countries as of 1965, Dutch Catholics still showed loyalty towards their church. AKSKI poll showed Sunday service attendance higher than in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, and Belgium, but lower than in Ireland. The number of decisions to join the priesthood or an order reached its peak in 1930, but is still higher than in other W. European countries. There is still a ratio of one monk, nun, or priest to every 100 Catholics. The financial contribution of the members is large. Investments were able to be made in churches, parochial houses, and institutes. This situation has changed during the last decade. Sunday service attendance decreased in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and in other cities, and the number of people joining the priesthood or an order started decreasing after 1957. This, together with a decrease in contributions led to a reorganization of the centralized system of the church. Less need for educational institutions for priests resulted in closing of several of the higher institutions, while the lower institutions have tried to become part of the regular secondary educational system. K. Dillman.

Biografie auteur

Poeisz,Jos. J.




