
Vervreemding, ambitie, bedrijfsbeeld en binding aan het bedrijf. Een verkennend onderzoek naar de dimensies van vervreemding bij arbeiders in de procesindustrie


  • Dyck,J. J. J. van
  • Oers,M. C. van


Workers, Organization, Alienation, Motive, Ambition


An orientational research of the dimensions of alienation among workers in the factory is presented. The study of alienation has been studied as a behaviouristic model, but is seen more often now as a motivation model (A. Maslow, "A Theory of Human Motivation," The Psychological Review, 1943, 50, Jul, 4, 367-396) stressing the r between expectations and needs, and actual possibilities in the work situation. Psychologists study this model from the point of view of the personality system: work seen in relation to the functioning of the personality. Sociologists stress the values and the meaning of aspiration in the structure of work and organization. They see alienation more as a link between personality system and structural elements in order to unify organization and sociological research. Research was done in the Chemical Industries of the Netherland State Mines, in which the concept of alienation was studied empirically. A questionnaire was based on the concepts of alienation as described in K. Marx, M. B. Scott, and R. Blauner: questions pertaining to ambition, workers view of and relation to the company, alienation of the work process and of the product, and of fellow human beings and values were included. Analysis and interpretation of the material shows 2 important possible variables for alienation: work and system. The system can block expectations and "avenues" for aspiration. This can be related to the empirical notion of experiencing power. Work must be seen in relation to the individual. No alienation factor was found in the strength of ambition. The alienation of the work system is to be studied by sociology, the alienation of work by psychology. 3 Tables, 2 Figures. K. Dillman.

Biografieën auteurs

Dyck,J. J. J. van

Oers,M. C. van




