
Enige aspecten van een proces van verandering in een Indonesische gemeenschap


  • Polak,A.


Changes, Religion, Indonesia


In one of the district capitals of North Lombik, in 1966, almost all of the island's religions were represented: Buddhism, Hinduism, Waktu Lima (the officially recognized muslims), and Wetu Telu (not officially recognized muslims). Religious change was observed in a settlement of Wetu Telu. The response of the community toward outsiders was reserved. Some of the more conservative Waktu Lima felt the possibility of being poisoned by Wetu Telu food, since the eating taboos of the latter were less strict. As had previously occurred in other areas of Lombok, the Wetu Telu community was offered an opportunity to join the Waktu Lima group of muslims, whose religious observance was stricter. The kliang, administrative head of the community, supported this change, whereas the kijahi, the spiritual head and preserver of traditions, opposed it. The kliang opted for the change for economic reasons; the less elaborate Waktu Lima rituals would be less costly. Eventually the kijahi was relieved of his funciton, and the 2 muslim factions were united. The immediate ramifications of this change do not appear overly significant. The expected increase in the power of the muslim political party at the expense of the nationalists did not materialize. Modified AA

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