
Politieke mobilisering en geweld in Central Luzon (Filippijnen)


  • Muijzenberg,Otto D. van den


Guerrilla, Philippines, Violence, Political mobilization and Huk guerrillas in Central Luzon


Central Luzon is an agricultural area just north of Manila which, during WWII, had one of the most powerful anti-Japanese movements in all of South-East Asia. After the war the people continued their struggle against large landholders and police officials who had been sympathetic to the Japanese. Known popularly as the Huks, the guerrillas gradually became less active. They began a policy of peaceful coexistence with the political system and participated in local government, collecting taxes and mediating land disputes between landlords and peasants. Around 1969, the movement became radicalized owing to the corrupt dealings of the leadership with the national government. Political 'liquidations' increased, and president Marcos tried, with relatively little success, to stop the terror. Many of these murders were carried out by government lackeys. The attempt by Marcos to mobilize the masses around manila was only marginally successful. To a large extent it caused a counter mobilization around the Huks. P. Tiersma.

Biografie auteur

Muijzenberg,Otto D. van den




