
Politieke mobilisatie van boeren in Latijns Amerika


  • Galjart,B. F.


Political mobilization of peasants in Latin America


A prerequisite for understanding the political mobilization of peasants in Latin America is an understanding of the social structure in which they live. Almost all of the arable land is in the hands of a few large landholders. Some peasants own small parcels of land; others are forced into patronage relationships with the land owners, which gives some degree of economic advantage usually paid for by loss of political power. Patronage is one reaction to the inequality of the South American peasant situation. Various forms of adaptation to inequality exist including escapism, ritualism, etc. Usually, the initiator of the mobilization process is not himself a peasant, since peasants do not have the necessary contacts and can easily be pressured by land owners. For a mobilization effort to be successful, peasants must have support in high places (persons, or organizations ie, political parties). One of the main problems facing reform efforts is that participants cannot agree as to what the specific goals and methods should be. Farm laborers are often not involved in the process at all. 1 figure. P. Tiersma.

Biografie auteur

Galjart,B. F.




