Opstand op de Lindenburgh. Monastieke machtsverhoudingen in een ontwikkelingsperspectief
Netherlands, Monasteries, Factionalism, Political Power, Power relations, De Lindenburgh monastery, Literature survey, participant observationSamenvatting
This article has been retracted by the editors.To many lay people & clergy, life in a monastery represents tradition, order, continuity, & a general withdrawal from worldly affairs. As such, any changes are seen as revolutionary. A case study of de Lindenburgh monastery in the province of Brabant, the Netherlands, based on a literature survey & participant observation from 1978 to 1984, shows that this picture is the misleading result of adopting a short-term view. What seem to be revolutionary changes are in fact little more than culmination points in a long-term process of continuous adaptations to the outside world, the driving forces of which are a combination of internal monastical competition, factionalism between the diocesan & monastic clergy, & rivalry with worldly power configurations. The insights gained from such a study may provide insights into other religious conflicts, ie, the troubles over the appointment of the new bishop of 's-Hertogenbosch. 9 References. HA