
Taakopvattingen en taakuitoefening van leraren in het voortgezet onderwijs


  • Klaassen,C. A. C.
  • Pouwels,J. P. A.


Netherlands, Performance, Dutch secondary education teachers vs role concept, Task orientation, Process function, Required expertise, Time distribution, Conclusions


In an investigation to determine the characteristic role concept of teachers in the educational system, approximately 3,000 Dutch secondary school teachers were studied from their responses to a time budget scheme concerning the nature & range of the teacher's task. Data from an open-ended questionnaire & 60 observations were obtained, weighing the task load & task orientations concerning the formation process & the position of the teacher in the organization. Role concepts were based on 5 perspectives: the function of the educational process & its content, the teacher & student roles in the process, & the required expertise. The results reveal large individual differences in task range. The X time distribution was 67% for direct educational activity, 12% for activities devoted to raising expertise, & 21% for more general education related activities. Division was made among 4 types of teachers, according to their task conceptions & following dimensions: (1) educational goals, (2) teacher-student relationships, (3) qualities necessary for good task performance, & (4) the position of the teacher in the school organization. Task orientations hardly influence the content, range, & intensity of task performance. 1 Table. Modified HA.

Biografieën auteurs

Klaassen,C. A. C.

Pouwels,J. P. A.




