
Het alterbeeld van de socioloog


  • Hortulanus,R. P.
  • Roode,F. A. de


Netherlands, Sociologists vs social image development, Public knowledge vs professionals' Function, Training inadequacies, Portrayal clarification requirements


Although about 66% of Dutch sociologists are employed outside of the U setting, they have little awareness of their social image. In 1969, research attention was focused on the sociologist's professional 'alter-image' finding that the community had no clear understanding of the sociologist's function. People selected for the study were primarily lawyers, architects, MD's, teachers, & other professionals who were expected to be acquainted with the work of the sociologist. In view of their negative response, it is questionable whether selection of these professionals was appropriate, & it remains a mystery as to who would know what a sociologist does. More research is necessary to clarify the sociologist's alter-image. What is needed is: (1) a better theoretically founded & practical sociology, (2) a more adequate sociological training, (3) the sociologist's vision of his own place in society, (4) knowledge of the functions of the sociologist of the moment, & (5) the sociologist's awareness of the society's view of him. 2 Tables. Modified HA.

Biografieën auteurs

Hortulanus,R. P.

Roode,F. A. de




