
Over werkloosheid, bespreking van enige recente literatuur


  • Hamaker,H. G.


Current literature, Reviews, Underemployment, Unemployment, Recent literature discussion, Measurement reliability, Van Wezel's theory, Labor process reentry, Behavior patterns vs different areas, Inner-directed work ethic


A critical discussion of some recent literature on unemployment. Measurement of unemployment is only relatively reliable since unemployment rates are no valid measure for the real usable employment surplus & often give a distorted view of the employment opportunity structure. Van Wezel's theory based on 3 variables which affect reentry into the labor process & return to employment is not only questionable but dangerous. The experiences of the unemployed differed greatly according to the social background of the individual; psychological & social disadvantages & consequences affect the families of the unemployed as well. The labor market behavior patterns of the unemployed vary according to different areas. In an area of dense unemployment people were more willing to accept less attractive job offers than in areas with less unemployment, & were more active in their job search. Finally, the inner-directed work ethic seems to operate. Most people prefer to be employed although there is a trend toward change in this attitude. Modified HA.

Biografie auteur

Hamaker,H. G.




