
Vrouwen op het platteland


  • Brunt-de Wit,E.


Social movements, Feminism, Social change, Netherlands, Women's liberation, Rural setting, Voluntary associations, Formal goals, Daily activities, Urban, Bourgeois life styles introduction


Rural women are a relatively neglected category in the Dutch women's liberation movement & in the popular & sociological publications that deal with women's emancipation. In an attempt to fill in the present lack of knowledge, some research data are presented concerning the formal aims & daily activities of Rural women's voluntary associations. The formal goal of these associations stresses the importance of societal involvement, while local activities seem to aim Rural women toward their roles as housewives & mothers. These associations mainly serve to introduce bourgeois Urban patterns of life to Rural areas. They have succeeded so well, that Rural women now lag well behind their Urban sisters since the growing women's liberation movement encourages Urban women not to confine themselves to housekeeping & motherhood. Ru women's associations have reduced themselves to political nonentities & it will be difficult to find a way to connect them & their members to the political aims of women's lib. Modified HA.

Biografie auteur

Brunt-de Wit,E.




