
Wensen, willen, handelen. Waarden als determinanten van gedrag


  • Pelkman,G. H. G.


Values as behavior determinants, Action choice, Value change models


Values are defined as concepts describing ideal states of affairs. Specified are: a describing, a legitimating, an affective, & a connotative aspect. The latter is defined as the course of action the actor would intend to realize the value. The course of action includes a content (direction) & the power of the intended action (the amount of resources the actor is willing to spend on realizing the value). It is supposed that an actor will choose the direction of his action so that his values will be realized as well as possible. Except for the content of the describing aspects of the value concerned, the actor's knowledge about the way of realizing it are not relevant. The amount of resources the actor is willing to spend on realizing the value is supposed to be determined by the product of the value's affective aspect & the perceived discrepancy between the ideal & the perceived state of affairs. Complex choice problems may be psychologically facilitated by considering only courses of action of which the effects are reasonably predictable. Three models for explaining value change are examined. 1 Figure. Modified HA.

Biografie auteur

Pelkman,G. H. G.




