
De waarde van het begrip 'modern cultuurpatroon' voor onderzoek naar vernieuwingsprocessen


  • Coolen,J. A. I.


Modernizing, Conceptualization, Innovation processes, Modernity concept/theory impact, H. Simon's decision-making process theory, Farmers' votes on land consolidation program implementation


Reported are the design & results of a small-scale empirical investigation of the significance of the concept 'modernity,' & the theory based on that concept regarding diffusion of innovations. Investigated was whether lower socioeconomic status farmers vote more often against implementing land consolidation programs than higher socioeconomic status farmers. If they do, is it because of lack of rationality in making decisions about innovations? Four hypotheses were formulated based on H. Simon's theory of the decision-making process & its four components: choice alternatives, consequence perception, consequence evaluation, & decision. Results indicate that adopting a land consolidation program is determined by the size of the problem in terms of road quality, water drainage quality, & the amount & situation of farm parcels. If low socioeconomic status farmers feel confronted with one or more of these problems they favor land consolidation as much as higher socioeconomic status farmers. It is concluded that resistance toward land consolidation is determined by the absence of serious problems not by lack of modernity. No differences were found between high & low socioeconomic status farmers on perception of the relevant aspects of land consolidation, or on perception & evaluation of costs & benefits. It is doubted that the concept 'modernity' is useful in describing & explaining the diffusion & adoption of innovations in the agricultural sector. 8 Tables, 3 Figures. Modified HA.

Biografie auteur

Coolen,J. A. I.




