
In de mangel van het internationaliseringsproces: Dubbele kapitaalbeweging en relokatie van arbeidsplaatsen bij Philips


  • Teulings,Arnold W.


International, Capital, Jobs, Multi-nationalistic, Imperialists, Corporations, Internationalization of production, Monetary/job transfer patterns, Third World/industrialized nations, Philips International


Capital movement within Philips International puts a double pressure on employment. Labor intensive production processes are transferred to low-wage countries & export platforms in the Third World, while advanced research- & capital-intensive electronic systems production takes place in the larger industrialized nations, the United States & Germany. This internationalization of production cannot be sufficiently explained by an unequal distribution of factor costs between countries, or alternatively, in terms of a center-periphery model, as suggested by J. Galtung ('Eine strukturelle Theorie des Imperialismus' [A Structural Theory of Imperialism] in Senghaas, D. [Ed], Imperialismus und strukturelle Gewalt [Imperialism and Structural Power], Frankfurt: 1978, 29-104). Capital flow & job transfer patterns reflect a historically developed, organized structure of dominance by large multinational companies, geopolitical blocs, & state powers, within which the industrialized nations are divided into centers & peripheries in much the same way as the developing world. Employment in the electronics industry in the Netherlands, geographically centrally located, but structurally not an economic power, tends to be squeezed from both sides. 4 Tables, 4 Figures. Modified HA.

Biografie auteur

Teulings,Arnold W.




