
Commercialisering en veranderde arbeidsverhoudingen op het Javaanse platteland


  • Hüsken,Frans


Commercial, Agricultural commercialization, Changing labor relations, Rural capitalism, Java


Technological changes in wet-rice agriculture (especially the introduction of the green revolution package of high-yielding varieties, fertilizers, pesticides, & insecticides) have, in the last decade, provided impetus to agricultural commercialization & the development of rural capitalism in Java. Primarily the wealthier farmers were able to benefit from government assisted distribution of inputs & credit facilities, & thus to accumulate capital. As a result of their attitude change toward commerce & profit, they began to adopt labor-saving practices, which threaten Javanese agricultural employment. Employment & income are declining for small farmers & landless laborers, who are largely dependent on wage labor in rice agriculture. A study of Gondossari, a coastal village in North Central Java with a highly unequal distribution of land tenure & control, shows that the new rice technology & the concomitant development of commercial agriculture has strengthened the position of the small landlord class. They have become rural capitalists who expanded their control through rationalization of agricultural production, wage-cutting, & lessened patronage ties with landless households. However, the traditional labor relationship of sharecropping has proved to be quite compatible with rural capitalism in Java & is currently gaining importance. 1 Table. Modified HA.

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