
Kleine enquête onder vijf parochies naar de liederenkeuze in de Advent


  • Louis van Tongeren


This year 'the reception of liturgical music' was made a topic at the yearly conference of the Co-operation of Scholars in Liturgy in the Netherlands (SLDN). The research on reception, which originates from the literary theory, almost has no application in theology, liturgy and music. Talking about research on reception, the main point is to study the relation between the text and the reader, resp., the song and the singer. Because of the unfamiliarity with the subject and the still undeveloped method of research, we looked for impulses to the reception of liturgical music during the conference. We did so with the help of an example. On the basis of a small survey, the tangible liturgical-musical practice of the four Sundays of Advent 1986 were inventoried in five R.C. parishes and five Reformed parishes. The working-out of the survey on the choice of songs in the five parishes especially focusses on a description of some elements which are a preparation for this choice. In the liturgical-musical practice there are several intermediary bodies or liturgical-musical institutions which set the final choice also, for instance the lectionary, the conductor, the priest, several resources and hymn books (plus the composers and the publishers of these books). It appears that mainly strophic songs are sung and that by making a choice people hardly seem to be guided by the opinions and suggestions that are given in the several resources. Especially the well-known and familiar Advent hymns which voice the general theme of Advent are being sung. A thematic tuning from the hymns to the Scripture readings is not shown clearly. For instance, the theme 'light-dark' that dominates each song, only plays a minor part in the Scripture readings. The given psalm in the Lectionary is hardly ever sung, although there are sufficient musical possibilities for this. On the other hand psalm 25 takes a special position. Psalm 25 is the most sung hymn, while it is not an outstanding hymn for Advent. According its reception it has become one in practice. (tr. K. v. Tongeren-Kemme)




