
Aankomst en toekomst. Theologie van de advent


  • H.A.J. Wegman


Coming: Theology of advent. The study of the liturgy of Advent in the Roman Missal of 1970 (1975) makes clear, that the ritual of this period of the year has been focused on two major items of the christian confession of faith (the Symbol), i.e. the birth of Christ ('primus adventus’) and his parousia, his coming with glory ('secundus adventus’). The first coming, in the sense of preparation on Christmas, is the main subject of the days of the so-called O-antiphons (december 17-24). As far as the prayers are concerned, MR.1970 uses the series of the so called Rotulus of Ravenna, but selects the less expressive ones. The reading of the parousia however does not figur in MR.1970. Mt.25,31 has been located in the last Sunday of the year (the Sunday before Advent 1), and the readings of Advent 1 only deal with the theme of ’vigilance’ (Mt.24,37-44), carved out of the context of the chapter. The theme of wakefullness is once more corroborated by the readings of Advent 2: the preaching of the Baptist (’Paenitentiam agite’). Mt.24 however does figur in Advent in the Missal of Bobbio and has been combined with Mt.25,31 in the miniatures and on the frescos and sculptures of the s.IX - XII (Maiestas Domini and the Judgment). It is regrettable that the parousia no longer is read out in the liturgy. It lessens the theological strength of Advent. A reconstruction of Advent 1 (in combination with the last Sunday per annum) is desirable: Mt.24 (last Sunday) and 25,31 w.(Advent 1). The roman rite of the 8th century provides a different selection of readings for the last Sunday and for Advent 1: Jo.6,5-14 (which ends with the confession: Quia hic est vere propheta qui venturus est in mundo)and Mt.21,1-9 (which ends with the acclamation: Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini). Together with Lk.21,25-33, Mt.11,2-10, Jo.1,19-28 and Lk.3,1-6 these two readings figure in the list of PI (ed.Th.Klauser, anno 645). This mini-cycle of readings, in my opinion, intends to commemorate the Messiah, who arrives in the community as the one who bears the name of the Coming God. This theme of the arrival of Christ (yet a third meaning of the word 'adventus') unfortunately is missing in MR.1970.




