
"Naakt kom ik uit de schoot van moeder aarde, naakt keer ik daar terug" (Job 1,21). Aardesymboliek, Bijbel en begrafenisliturgie


  • André Mulder


The intimate connection between men and earth leads to profound and multiple symbolism. In many religions the earth is a lifegiving mother, out of whom all men are born and to whom they return. Earth-symbolism expresses confidence, warmth and vitality. In Scripture some of these motives can be found. Especially the Old Testament shows a human attitude which expresses a notion of being bound to and responsible for the earth. Life is living on and from the earth. The New Testament however turns the human view away from the earth to heaven and the relation men-earth looses intimacy. An analysis of funeral songs, taken from Gesänge zur Bestattung, Gezangen voor Liturgie en Liedboek voor de Kerken, shows that the New Testament earth-symbolism dominates in most of the songs. As nowadays a creation-spirituality can be found among people attending a christian funeral, liturgists and poets are invited to create new songs which express present earth-experiences.

Author Biography

André Mulder

Drs. André Mulder (1959) is stafmedewerker bij het NBI, Interkerkelijk Instituut voor Theologische Studie en Vorming te Utrecht.




