
Augustinus’ pinksterpreek 272B* - inleiding en vertaling


  • Joost van Neer


As part of its translation-project Als licht in het hart (sixty sermons of Saint Augustine for feastdays) a team of translators of the Augustijns Instituut (Eindhoven, the Netherlands) published in 1996 the translation of one of Augustine’s sermons on Pentecost: sermon 272B. The discovery of a new manuscript confirmed the assumption that this sermon was incomplete. The new text, published by Dolbeau in 1998, has two additional chapters. The new version is known as sermo 272B augumenté or sermo 272B*. This article contains two parts. The first part puts the new version in a context in which special attention is given to the chain of associations which Saint Augustine uses. The second part offers a complete new translation of this sermon in Dutch, which profoundly corrects and substitutes the old translation.

Author Biography

Joost van Neer

Joost van Neer is als vertaler verbonden aan het Augustijns Instituut.




