
Boze burgers en buitenkunst. Een constructivistische benadering van kunstvernieling en artistieke controversen


  • Hof,Christian van 't


Art, Public space, Netherlands, Vandalism, Social conflict


Art and Anger in Public Places: A Constructivist Approach to Artistic Controversies and the Destruction of Art. The motives of perpetrators who have vandalized at least 160 sculptures and other works of art in public places in the Netherlands, 1980-1995 are discussed, distinguishing interpretations such as disrespect for art, class-related anger at cultural elites who force their tastes on the population, and the intermediate opinion that perpetrators are angry at art policies established by small groups of artists, advisers, and public government. Focusing on a 1992 controversy in the village of Borne, the diversity of journalist, artist, art adviser, local politician, and civilian opinions about specific artwork is described, and the effects of interaction between these groups are surveyed. It is concluded that this constructivist confrontation of perspectives can render hidden values and meanings about art in public places visible, but eventual solutions will have to include compromise from all parties involved. Adapted from the source document.

Biografie auteur

Hof,Christian van 't




