
Leven met twee landen. De veranderende sociale positie van Surinaamse remigranten


  • Bröer,Christian


Return migration, Immigrants, Netherlands, Suriname, Biculturalism, Cultural identity, Social status, National identity, Surinamese return immigrants from Netherlands, Social position, Citizenship/identity views, Observation, Interviews


Living with Two Countries. The Changing Social Position of Returnees to Surinam. A research review indicates that many Surinamese immigrants to the Netherlands desire to return to their homeland. Focus here is on the social position of those who have returned, 1945-1995. At the time of independence in 1975, almost 10% of the Surinamese population emigrated to the Netherlands for political and economic reasons. However, 4,179 returned in 1976, a number decreasing to 720 in 1995. Data obtained via 6 months of participant observation with 6 returnees and extensive interviews with 18 indicate that returnees have occupied an intermediate social position. In hard economic times in Surinam, they have lived off their savings from the Netherlands. Additionally, their professional skills and familiarity with Dutch ways have made them more employable, despite a lack of local political connections. Returnees serve as a cultural bridge from the primitive parts of the Surinamese jungle to the cultured circles of the Netherlands. Most see themselves as citizens of the world. 5 Tables, 1 Figure, 83 References. Adapted from the source document.

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