
Berbers in de dope. Cultuur als verklaring voor vormen van criminaliteit


  • Gemert,Frank van
  • Torre,Edward van der


Drug trafficking, North African cultural groups, Immigrants, Adolescents, Netherlands, Arab cultural groups, Youth, Sociocultural factors, Muslims, Drug trade involvement, Moroccan immigrants vs other adolescents, Secondary interview/observation data


Moroccans in the Dope Trade: Cultural Explanations for Forms of Criminality. A literature review reveals considerable concern about the high incidence of immigrant adolescent Moroccan involvement in the drug trade in the Netherlands. To investigate this phenomenon, a secondary analysis was performed on interview and participant observation data from two earlier studies by the authors (both, 1996). The participation of Moroccan youth in such activities is higher than that of other immigrant groups, suggesting that cultural variables may provide an explanation. In contrast to Dutch youth, who distinguish between various degrees of hard and soft drugs, Moroccan Muslim culture offers no taboos against any drugs, except alcohol. Many youths earn considerable money by running drugs, which gives them status within their families. 36 References. Adapted from the source document.

Biografieën auteurs

Gemert,Frank van

Torre,Edward van der




