
Wonen en werken: commerciële activiteiten en Romeinse kust-VILLAE in Latium (Midden-Italië)


  • T. Blokzijl


The traditional view of the villae maritimae is that these structures had only one purpose: a luxurious residential function. In the area of Anzio and Nettuno (Roman Antium) one can trace at least 22 villae. Six of them had fish-ponds, one of them produced tegulae and amphorae and perhaps one of the villae exploited sulphur deposits. The stamp on one of the tegulae, found at villa number 17, shows the name of a possible owner of that particular villa. The stamp dates from the late second or early third century AD. This could be evidence that the tegula production continued, perhaps with intervals, into the third century AD. The above-described material is an indication that the tradional view should be altered. The owners of the villae maritimae are likely to have been more involved in commercial activities than is generally assumed.

