
Wommels-Stapert (Fr.): botmateriaal uit de vroege en midden-ijzertijd


  • Inger Woltinge
  • Wietske Prummel


In this paper, the results of a study of faunal material from the Frisian terp site Wommels-Stapert are discussed. The site, excavated in 1994, was inhabited from the Early Iron Age (700 BC) through to the Late Middle Ages (after AD 900). The material presented here dates from the Early Iron Age to the Middle Iron Age (700 to 400 BC and 400 BC to 0). The site of Wommels-Stapert has yielded important information on the occupation of the Frisian terp area, as, at this time, it is one of the few that have been completely excavated and properly documented. The distribution of the domesticated species at this site is consistent with other sites from the same period. Cattle are the main animals for husbandry, followed by sheep/goat, horse, pig and dog. The faunal spectre shows a heavy reliance on these domesticated species, as no wild mammals were found, apart from a piece of elk antler. Two species of duck were identified, together with a bone of crane and one of chicken. The date for the chicken bone, 700 to 400 BC, seems too early. It might be an intrusion from one of the later periods.

