
De opgraving van de Zuidoostpoort van Nieuw Halos (Griekenland) in het Olympisch jaar 2004


  • Reinder Reinders


In the Olympic year 2004 the investigation of the Southeast Gate of the Hellenistic city of New Halos was continued. Fifteen sections within and around the gate complex were documented to study the stratigraphy of the site. After documentation seven baulks were excavated. Coin finds confirmed the period of habitation of the gate complex (260–220 BC) after the destruction of the gate by an earthquake around 265 BC. The occupation of the gate came to an end after a fire, and hundreds of charred seeds of pulses and cereals were found near a hearth in the courtyard. Part of the gate may have been inhabited after this fire, as is attested by a small number of ceramic finds of the 2nd century BC. After the removal of one of the baulks, a hoard consisting of 35, 11th/12th-century Byzantine coins was discovered in a hole in the city wall, just beside the eastern tower of the gate.




