
Middenpaleolithische vondsten van Lonneker bij Enschede (Ov.)



In 1989, Suzanne van Tongeren found a handaxe (fig. 1) and a Levallois-core (fig. 2), lying close together, in a field near her home at Lonneker. The site is located near a small brook on the western flank of an ice-pushed ridge. The same type of location is known for two other handaxe finds in the area: Mander and Groot Agelo (fig. 5). No other artefacts were collected. The handaxe can be described as a biface partiel (or a Halbkeil); one of its sides is an old and flat frost-split face that was worked only for a small part. This most probably reflects an adaptation to the poor quality of locally available raw material (moraine flint), not a stylistical choice. The Levallois-core was fully prepared but not exploited. It is hypothesized that the findspot does not document a settlement but rather a short-lived camp, for example a kill site. At a distance of 360 m, on the other side of the brook, a single Middle Palaeolithic flake was found (fig. 3), perhaps documenting a second site.




