De versieringswijze van twee TRB-potten uit hunebed G2 (Glimmer Es, gemeente Haren) (Gr.)
The decoration method of two TRB pots from hunebed G2 (Glimmer Es, munici-pality of Haren, Groningen). This article discusses the way in which two tureen-amphorae of the TRB West Group were decorated. The vessels were found in the chamber of hunebed G2 at the Glimmer Es, mun. of Haren, prov. of Groningen, the Netherlands. They date from the very end of the fourth, or the very beginning of the third millennium BC. Both tureen-amphorae bear more or less round, concave impressions. It was investigated whether these impressions had been made with bones of indigenous animals – more specifically, birds and small mammals, given the dimensions and shape of the impressions. To this end various bones from the archaeozoological reference collection of the GIA were impressed into modeling clay at various angles and with varying force. The results were compared with the decoration on the TRB West Group tureen-amphorae. The conclusion is that the impressions on both vessels were most probably made with one and the same object, the caput femoris of a long-eared owl (Asio otus).