
Marum-Oude Diep en Lellens-Borgweg (Gr.). Aanzet tot nieuwe inzichten in grafbestel door 14C dateringen



Marum-Oude Diep and Lellens-Borgweg. Impulses for new views on graves by 14C dating. New views on the occupation history of the Frisian-Groningen coastal area in the early Middle Ages prompted the radiocarbon dating of an isolated urned cremation from Marum, and of a findless cremation and an inhumation with grave gifts from Lellens-Borgweg, of which the date was uncertain. The Marum grave dates to the second half of the 7th or to the 8th century, which fits very well with the assumed date at the early medieval colonisation of the peat area. The Lellens dates suggest that the ‘mixed’ cemetery may consist of cremations from the Roman period, and an early-medieval inhumation, but this has to be confirmed by redating of the cremation burial. If true, this finding suggests that in the Roman period people were cremated in the open field outside the village dwelling-mound, without formal urn-burial.




