
De opgraving van het Huis met de Tobbe in Hellenistisch Halos


  • Reinder Reinders


The excavation of the House of the Tub in Hellenistic Halos. The investigation of houses in the Hellenistic city of New Halos was continued in 2007 with the excavation of the House of the Tub. During the first campaign the topsoil was removed until the habitation layer with artefacts was reached. The house measured 12.20 x 15.30 m and had the same ground plan as the House of the Koroplast, excavated in 1978/9. The limestone pedestal for the mudbrick upperstructure was almost intact, only part of the northern and western walls of the courtyard had been removed by farmers. The layout of the living quarters had the characteristic arrangement of the houses of Halos: a main room with two small rooms at either side and, as in the House of the Koroplast, an additional room along the southern side of the house. The artefacts were left in situ and at the end of the excavation the remains of the house were covered with plastic sheeting and soil. The excavation will be continued in 2008.




