
Vroeg-middeleeuwse bouwtradities in het zuidelijke Noordzeegebied


  • Daniël Postma


Early medieval vernacular architecture in the southern North Sea coastal area. Research (MA thesis) into early medieval vernacular architecture in the northern coastal region of the Netherlands (the terp region) has shed new light on the use of organic building materials, particularly turf (‘sods’), and questions key aspects of earlier reconstructions (e.g. roof structures and truss types). A further subdivision was made in the region’s building typology, which shows that turf buildings (Leens types) underwent developments similar to those in timber buildings in neighbouring regions (Odoorn types), yet maintaining a clear regional distinctiveness. A follow-up study (PhD research) started in September 2011 and further explores turf construction and early medieval architecture in the northern clay and peat regions. An early 8th-century turf building will be reconstructed as part of the investigation. The detected architectural developments are expected to help elucidate a variety of socio-cultural en macroeconomic processes between ca. AD 0 and 1500.




