
Prospectief beekdalonderzoek in de bovenloop van de Hunze


  • Hilde Boon


Prospective field research in the brook valley of the Hunze. The valley of the small stream ‘Voorste Diep’ that flows into the brook ‘Hunze’, has been subject to a nature development project, consisting of the digging of new meanders and the leveling of the top soil. The nature development project took place in an area of 132 acres, in which the exposed soil underneath the humic top soil consists of sand and peat. The work was carried out under archaeological supervision. Archaeologists from Grontmij worked together with experienced volunteers. The volunteers specifically researched the ground that was exposed underneath the top soil, whereas the archaeolo-gists supervised the digging of the meanders and coordinated between client, volunteers, contractor and authorities; a method that proved to be quite efficient. The discovery, research and preservation of the sites could not have been possible without the help of volunteers and a continuous communication between all parties involved. Within the sandy soils, there were seven concentrations containing, mostly Mesolithic, flint artifacts. Six of these concentrations were lying intact and in situ, now exposed to the elements. It was possible to preserve the six intact sites in situ and cover them with geotextile and sand.




