Toegevoegde waarde of waardeloze toevoeging? Ervaringen met 3D-documentatie in het veld
Extra points or a pointless extra? practical experience with on-site 3-D documentation. During the excavation campaign of the Iron Age burial ground of Crustumerium (Central Italy) in the summer of 2015, the authors performed a pilot study in 3D modelling and 3D documentation. By using photogrammetry it was possible to create 3D models of individual tombs and to document the larger burial ground in 3D. Even though the processing of the 3D data is time-consuming, the technique itself is relatively simple and does not require a large investment of resources. The 3D models proved valuable, since they allow for virtual revisiting of the excavation and because they can yield new archaeological insights. It is stressed however, that the traditional documentation strategies should not be abandoned altogether and that the archaeological interpretation of the excavated features remains leading in all respects.