
Een grafveld uit de Trechterbekerperiode in Oosterdalfsen: spiegel van een complexe samenleving?


  • Youp van den Beld
  • Henk van der Velde


Oosterdalfsen: a complex cemetery and a complex society? This article discusses the findings of the Bachelor thesis research of the first author about the recently discovered cemetery belonging to the Funnel Beaker Culture (FBC) in Oosterdalfsen. It has become clear that certain differences in the archaeological record of Oosterdalfsen may indicate a more complex composition of the FBC society. The rectangular graves in this cemetery were proven to be significantly larger and also contained more grave goods on average than their counterparts, the oval graves. Two graves also contained qualitatively different grave goods, possibly indicating a higher social status of the deceased. On account of the findings in Oosterdalfsen this article propounds that the social organisation of the Funnel Beaker Period can be examined by looking at flatgraves. Finally, this study has shown that the FBC society was more differentiated than could previously be recognised.




