Hoe zagen de tuinen bij de ‘lustplaats’ Zorgwijk eruit?
Cultivated plants from Borg Zorgwijk (Groningen). In the northeast of the municipality of Groningen several samples for botanical analysis were taken from an excavation at the site of the former country estate “Borg Zorgwijk”. Twenty-three samples from the 16th-18th centuries were analysed. A great number of wild plants were identified, representing: marshland; a rather wet, slightly brackish environment; grassland; and plants of ruderal vegetation. In the kitchen garden, purslane, wild parsnip and cabbage were found; in the herb garden, white and black mustard; and in the ornamental garden, daisy and columbine. Fruits of strawberry, raspberry, bilberry and grape vine were identified as well. In the orchard grew plum and hazel. Around the moat and in the garden a lot of trees were depicted in a map by Hottinger. In the samples, seeds of alder, birch, elder, linden and willow could be determined.