
Kleine centra in Romeins Centraal-Italië: resultaten van het Minor Centers Project


  • Tymon de Haas
  • Gijs Tol


Small centres in Roman Central Italy: results from the Minor Centers Project. This article presents the main results of the Minor Centres Project, which over the past five years has studied the role of minor centres (vil-lages, road stations) in the economy of Roman Central Italy. Models from economic geography suggest that such sites served as central places for surrounding rural populations; network analysis furthermore shows that they could also be hubs in trade systems. These hypotheses are confirmed by field surveys, geophysical prospections and ceramic studies of several minor centres in the Pontine region: the site of Ad Medias shows evidence of several central-place functions (pottery production, metalworking, presence of a sanctuary), and Forum Appii, a larger centre situated strategically at a junction of roads on a navigable river, also served as a hub in regional trade networks. In addition to these scientific results, the project has developed several public outreach initiatives, including guest teaching, a brochure and a temporary exhibition.




