Monte San Nicola (Calabrië, Italië): een chaîne operatoire van archeologisch onderzoek
Monte San Nicola (Calabria, Italy): a chaîne opératoire of archaeological research. This paper describes the different phases of archaeological research of protohistoric ceramic surface scatters on the Monte San Nicola, a hilltop in northern Calabria (Italy). Protohistoric pottery near the summit was first identified by Italian archaeologists in the 1980s. During GIA field-walking surveys in the Raganello basin (2000-2010) several artefact concentrations were mapped, without any conclusions being drawn about the nature of the activities producing these remains. Additional high-resolution archaeological, geophysical, and pedological data were collected on the slopes surrounding the summit as part of the Rural Life in Protohistoric Italy project (2010-2015). A review of these combined datasets has resulted in a new, exciting interpretation of the hilltop site. The article concludes with a proposal for future research to test this hypothesis.