De 14C-chronologie van de Nederlandse pre- en protohistorie V: midden- en late ijzertijd
Contrary to expectation this paper has not appeared in vol. 45/46 (2003/04), and will not be the last in the series either. This part deals only with Middle and Late Iron Age. Roman period and Early Middle Ages will be dealt with in part VI, in vol. 49/50 (2007/08).
After some introductory remarks in chapter 1, this paper deals in chapter 2 with relative and absolute chronology of the Hallstatt and La Tène periods in general, and with local chronologies in the Aisne-Marne and Hunsrück-Eifel areas, the Belgium Ardennes, the German Lower Rhine area east of the Rhine, NE Westphalia, Northern Germany and Denmark. Special attention is given to the chronological work of Hingst in Northern Germany and Harck in eastern Lower Saxony, and to the ceramic-based studies of Nortmann, Löbert and Först in the NW-German coastal area and adjacent higher sandy soils.
In chapter 3 the regional ceramic-based chronologies by Van den Broeke (Southern Netherlands), Taayke (Northern Netherlands) and Van Heeringen (Western Netherlands) are analysed. Especially the absolute dates for pottery in the Northern Netherlands proposed in previous studies, including Taayke’s thesis, are too high, and need correction.
Chapter 4 deals with burial ritual. Special attention is given to the dating of cemeteries with square ditches, of Iron Age burial mounds, and of Brandgruben (simple cremation pits).
Chapter 5 deals with houses and house types. The development proposed by Waterbolk/Huijts for the Northern Netherlands is criticized. The types Variant Hijken, Fochtelo and Noordbarge are younger than Waterbolk/Huijts suggest, and type Hijken seems to have survived till the beginning of our era. The succession of house types in the central and eastern parts of the Netherlands is far from clear at the moment, contrary to the situation in the coastal area and in the Southern Netherlands.
In chapter 6 attention is given to the dates of objects like wheels, canoes, etc. and of some new introductions, like plough, rotary querns, etc.
Chapter 7 lists the radiocarbon dates for Middle and Late Iron Age material in the Netherlands, alphabetically by province.
In Appendix 1 some older excavations of Middle and Late Iron Age burials in the Northern Netherlands are presented for the first time, or republished in order to correct misinterpretations and/or mistakes.
Appendix 2 deals with the trackways in the bog east of Valthe, especially the Valtherbrug.