De 14C-chronologie van de Nederlandse pre- en protohistorie, II: Mesolithicum
J.N. Lanting
J. van der Plicht
This paper deals first with calibration of the radiocarbon time-scale, climate, bio- and chronostratigraphy and sea-level rising during the earlier part of the Holocene. Then the existing typochronologies of the Mesolithic in the Low Countries are analysed. As a result the presently used typochronologies are rejected, and the existence of a De Leijen-Wartena complex is denied. The most likely developments in the flint industries in the northern Netherlands and southern Netherlands/low Belgium are described, in connection with a review of the Mesolithic in southern Scandinavia/northern Germany, Great Britain/Ireland and southern Germany/western Switzerland/eastern France. Finally the radiocarbon dates for the Mesolithic in the Netherlands are listed.