Intrasite spatial analysis and the Maglemosian site of Barmose I
The Maglemosian site of Barmose I in Denmark (Blankholm, 1991) is analysed by the ring and sector method. This is a simple method for within-site spatial analysis, based on the use of rings and sectors around hearths. The results of the analysis are contrasted with the ideas put forward by Blankholm. The ring and sector method makes it possibIe to demonstrate whether a hearth was inside a dwelling or in the open. Contrary to the assumption by Blankholm, it was found that the hearth of Barmose I must have been located in the open air, not inside a hut, despite the presence of bark flooring. A general conclusion is that complex computerized procedures, such as several of the clustering techniques applied by Blankholm, are not well suited to analyse open-air sites of this type, consisting of a central hearth with an artefact concentration around it. Their level of resolution is set too high for such situations, where many different activities were performed in a small area near the hearth, overlapping each other in space. Indications are that Barmose I was a hunting camp, occupied by a small group of men; there are no good arguments for the presence of women.