Statistics and Graphs in the Study of Prehistoric Industries. VIII. A Method for the Study of Potsherds (figs. 6-10)
(p. 63)
When excavating a settlement great masses of potsherds are usually found. If we want to examine these potsherds thoroughly we will have to make use of statistical methods. So far such a method has not yet been used with potsherds. Consequently when studying the material of the Danubian settlement at Geleen in 1957 I had to invent one myself. I started from my experiences with statistical methods for the study of great quantities of flints from Palaeolithic and Mesolithic settlements. In this initial stage only simple descriptive statistics are used in which the visualjudgment of histograms is of great importance. The future will show whether statistics further elaborated by means of various mathematical values e.g. mode, median, mean deviation, standard deviation and variance will be of practical use.