The typochronology of TRB West Group pottery
In connection with the reconstruction of the large assemblage of pottery from the hunebed G2, near Glimmen, gemeente Haren, a survey of TRB West Group pottery was carried out. From this survey, a series of seven stages in the development of TRB pottery was identified, based on the development of form and decoration. These stages, 'horizons', are described in terms of the most popular motifs, techniques and forms at any one time. Horizon 1 shows distinct similarities to the pottery of the late Haassel-Fuchsberggroup from which it is derived. The subsequent divergence and development of the West Group as a separate, regional entity is seen from Horizon 2 onwards.
The pottery belongs to two main traditions, one continuing through Horizons 1 to 4 and including most of the former Drouwen Style, and the second continuing through Horizons 4 to 7 and including most of the former Havelte Style. This development lasted approximately 550 years, beginning at about 3400 cal BC and ending at or around 2850 cal BC.