Faunal remains from Dokkum
(p. 110)
In 1973 and 1974 faunal remains, consisting of bones and a few mollusc shells, were collected from two sites in the town centre of Dokkum, in the province of Friesland in the northern part of the Netherlands. The faunal remains collected in 1973 came from a rubbish pit in the Koningstraat, and date from the 14th-16th centuries AD. The remains collected in 1974 came from three separate rubbish pits on the building site for the extension of a department store (the "Hema"): these three rubbish pits, designated pit I, pit II and pit III, date from the 13th century, ±1600 and the 14th century AD, respectively. The faunal material collected from both sites thus dates from late mediaeval times, or possibly from the beginning of the early modern period. The faunal remains from both sites were collected by Mr. G. Elzinga of the Frisian Mseum in Leeuwarden, and were subsequently sent to the Biologisch-Archaeologisch lnstituut (B.A.I.), University of Groningen for further study.