Preliminary notes on fish remains from archaeological sites in the Netherlands
(p. 84)
In the past decade a large number of fish remains have become available to the archaeozoological department of the Biological Archaeological Institute.These remains of fish were obtained in the courseof sieving layers containing remains of larger vertebrates from prehistoric and early historical settlements. Archaeozoological research on fish remains from excavations in the Netherlands is a new field of study. As there are no suitable hand-books for the identification of fish remains, the availability of a comparative collection of recent fish skeletons is vital. To build up such a collection is a timeconsuming process. The comparative collection of the Biological Archaeological Institute is not yet complete, and this is partly due to the fact that some species of fish have become rare or extinct in Western Europe as a result of human interference. Nevertheless the collection is now sufficiently completeto permit the identification of most subfossil fish remains.