
West-Fivelingo 600 v.Chr.-1900 n.Chr.: Archeologische kartering en beschrijving van 2500 jaar bewoning in Midden-Groningen


  • M. Miedema


This paper deals with the reconstruction of the settlement history of West-Fivelingo, and is based on archaeological survey of settlement sites, combined with augering, and description and dating of finds. The settlements ean be divided in dwelling mounds and farmsteads. Analysis of finds shows that the first colonization took place around 600 BC, at first perhaps in the form of transhumance during the summer, but soon in th eform of permanent settlement. Peaks in population numbers are noticeable around 200 BC and in the Roman period. Declines are visible between 300-600 AD and 900-1100 AD, and are connected with the Duinkerke II and IIIA transgressions. During the Duinkerke II transgression a salt marsh developed in the estuary of the Fivel. After 600 AD this newly formed land was colonized. In the later Middle Ages dikes were constructed around the salt marshes. In this period the Wold area was reclaimed by monasteries and private people. After 1600 AD farms were constructed all over West-Fivelingo, and some dwelling mounds lost their population. Many of these uninhabited terps were subsequently quarried away, and are no longer visible.




