The Correlation between Definitions and Interpretations of Neolithic Cultures in Northwestern Europe
(p. 377)
Which brings us to the conclusion. It is hazardous to believe that the more or less clearly formulated and habitual definitions of the Funnel-Beaker Culture, the Battle-Axe Culture and other cultures represent anything essential or factual: they are all hypothetical. Questions such as: Was the Funnel-Beaker Culture agricultural?' or: Were the peoples of the Battle-Axe Culture immigrants? can very easily be meaningless.They can in many cases be likened to a mathematical problem to which there is not rational solution, quite simply because the problem has been incorrectly formulated.
There is nothing wrong in itself in defining a culture by a single type, though the results will frequently be more interesting if several types are included in the definition. What is important is that several different definitions are formulated, and that the interpretations resulting from these are then compared with one another.