The Chronology of the Passage Graves in Jutland (Figs. 1-5)
(p. 323)
In 1954 the first mortuary house from the Neolithic was found in Denmark, more exactly at Tustrup, p. Nørager, c. Randers on the peninsula of Djursland (Kjaerum, 1955). It was a horseshoe-shaped building open to the NE (Fig. 1-2). Its stone walls were up to 1 m. thick and faced on the outside with about 1 m. high stone slabs. Inside, the rear wall was faced with 4 orthostats of 1.6 m. height, while the side walls were boarded with split oak trunks set in ditches like palisades. The wall filling was ofrough stones of varying size. The house was roofed with birch-bark covered with turves.